

Consecutively 5 Times National & State Award Winners of EEPC – AVS International Pvt. Ltd. – Exporter of the Year

Designing Export Promotion Council (EEPC) India, an association that takes into account the building business is an interface between the administration and the building business.

Being a famous head exchange and venture advancement association, it is supported by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. A huge number of organizations from little scope businesses to huge scope MNCs are all piece of EEPC India.

EEPC has a custom of adulating the individuals engaged with sending out business consistently. It is finished by introducing grants in various classes of building items.

They pick the best among all the organizations that are an individual from EEPC and who have performed remarkably well and whose endeavors are excellent. Grant champs are picked dependent on how they have developed as a main exporter in spite of confronting difficulties, vulnerabilities, ups, and downs of the market.

The EEPC yearly honor most likely holds a decent notoriety and is viewed as an astounding accomplishment for the organizations who take it home. It gets it out that the opposition level is high with new individuals joining EEPC consistently.

AVS International a 5 times EEPC award-winning company

AVS International Pvt. Ltd. a pioneer in the field of sending out items that go from specific footwear to uncompromising vehicles, has set up itself as a dependable association. Inside a limited capacity to focus around 10 or more years in the market, it has extended by sending out items in various nations.

There's no uncertainty that AVS International isn't the only one EEPC grant winning organization from Agra, yet additionally has the pleasure of being the champ of this esteemed honor for 5 successive years. The organization won this honor as a star entertainer in the item gathering of engine vehicles.

Furthermore, it has overwhelmed Ghana as it conveyed 104 putting out fires vehicles to the nation. AVS has worldwide tie-ups with the legislature of African nations and is a well known exporter for rock solid vehicles over yonder.

Being related with the eminent association BEML, this MNC based out of India supplies specific vehicles for development, mining, resistance, and transportation. We should investigate the sorts of vehicles provided by AVS International that made it win the EEPC grant in the engine vehicle send out classification:

Types of motor vehicles by AVS International:

A self-moved vehicle containing wheels utilized for transportation of individuals and cargo is known as an engine vehicle. AVS International fares engine vehicles, particularly uncompromising vehicles that are utilized for mining and resistance administrations. Notwithstanding its global customer base, the organization is additionally a presumed vehicle provider to the Indian armed force.


1. Loader

A rock solid truck that moves or loads the development materials from one spot and moves onto a dump truck or another apparatus like a transport line. The materials can be earth, day off, rock, black-top, sand, rock, or crude minerals. It has a basin at the front side associated on the closures of two blasts, which fills in as a scoop to stack the material to be moved.

2. Crane

Crane is likewise a rock solid truck, utilized in transportation for stacking and emptying of materials, in development for moving of materials starting with one spot then onto the next and in assembling for collecting of substantial machines. It comprises of piles and wire ropes utilized for lifting and moving of materials.

3. Bulldozer

It is a kind of farm vehicle utilized for moving or pushing materials like sand or soil in an enormous amount. A piece of machinery comprises of two instruments in particular a ripper and an edge. Ripper is joined to the rear of the piece of machinery and is a hook like gadget used to break rough surfaces into little enigmas. Though, a sharp edge is a substantial metal plate used to push materials starting with one spot then onto the next.

1. Haul Trucks

These are extraordinarily planned inflexible dump trucks for high creation mining. It takes or moves

dumps of materials like sand or rock to make the way. It is likewise utilized for taking development

gear from place of work to place of work. Take truck limit ranges from 40 short tons to 496 short tons.

2. Excavator

These are otherwise called diggers and are utilized for burrowing channels, development, mining,

ranger service work, and destruction. It comprises of a blast, scoop, pail, and a taxi that turns on a

stagae. An excavator utilizes water driven engines, chambers, and liquid for playing out various tasks.

Defence and rescue

1. Crash Fire Tender

It is a sort of uncompromising truck exceptionally intended for airplane salvage and firefighting at
military airbases. They comprise of high limit siphons and water guns, which assists with managing
shoot over significant distances.

2. Heavy Recovery Vehicle

These are utilized to recoup slowed down, covered, or toppled vehicles of the guard powers.
Substantial recuperation vehicles are fit for working in various territories including desert, rough and
muddy grounds just as uneven regions.

3. Tatra Trucks

One of the claims to fame of AVS International, it is a territory vehicle with high portability utilized for
GS jobs in the Indian Army. Moreover, it transports armed force faculty and can convey payloads of
around 10,500 kgs. It has a tire swelling framework that empowers the expansion/emptying of tires
relying upon the state of the territory.

4. Aircraft Refuellers

These are utilized for moving flying fuel into the military airplane. Additionally, they offer over wing

and under wing refueling alongside operational control on the driver's side. They are intended for

both right-hand and left-hand traffic and are gathered on a three-hub truck suspension.

These are just a couple of instances of the engine vehicles sent out by AVS International. The

organization has a wide scope of various sorts of uncompromising vehicles that incorporates dump

trucks, Wheel dozers, Pipe layers, Motor Graders, Tire Handlers, Water Sprinklers, and so forth.

Being an EEPC grant winning organization and accepting the title of exporter of the year multiple

times, AVS International Pvt. Ltd. is continually advancing and attempting to concoct imaginative

thoughts and keeps the customer's needs on need.

While numerous organizations think that its hard to be an individual from EEPC, this organization

has cleared out of the considerable number of difficulties. It has won the EEPC grant for both state

and national levels deserting the significant contenders. With a group of specialists having inside

and out information about business and innovation, AVS International is consistently chipping away

at improving their item quality.
